The Lighthouse

Republican Club of Greater Seminole    ã2004 All Rights Reserved, Reprints only by the expressed permission of Webmaster

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To view the latest excerpts from White House Press Briefings click here or for club meetings and guest speakers around the county click here

June 29, Inaguration of Officers and Directors with Senator Dennis Jones, Officiating at the evening's event. Photographs posted and film to follow.

May 25, Cub Meeting hosting Bernie McCabe, the election of  new officers and directors and the beacon extinguishing of the club newsletter, The lighthouse.

April 27, Club meeting hosting Everett Rice as Guest Speaker

April 19, Club Vice President, Marshall Reynolds pays a visit to the RCGL

April 13, 2004 -- Special notice and reservations coordination by Club VP Reynolds for dinner honoring Karleen DeBlaker, May 21

April 12, 2004 -- PCREC meeting hosts Dr. Susan MacManus Professor at USF

April 8. 2004 -- Candidate for US Senator and Congressman Bill McCollum dispels myths and provides the facts at CPRC meeting today.

April 6, 2004 a special note from Senator Dennis Jones

Beauty and the Beast, what a Senator must do in the line of duty

The March 30, 2004 Club Meeting, action packed and enlightening

Super Evening for Super People, the 2004 Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee  Dinner

Congressman Bill Young  joins with Town Commissioner Marshall Reynolds and Mayor Beyrouti to salute SPIFFS 29th Annual

Jody Armstrong of Redington Shores and John Wolbert of Madeira Beach, both club member,  win commissioner seats.

Deborah Clark, Supervisor of Elections, Guest Speaker, intellectually articulated  some of the potential pitfalls of the election process.

St. Petersburg College, Library dedication and naming celebration honoring Senator Dennis L Jones

Republican Club of Greater Seminole members again display professionalism

Marshall Reynolds explains community commitment from business owners

Senator Dennis Jones to be honored by St. Petersburg College

Manuel E. Penton Jr., stuns club and steps down

John Morroni, guest speaker explains reasoning

Diane Nelson, earns many accolades and much applause

Jay John (JJ) Beyrouit & Dottie Reeder , win the Gold Medal

Dennis Jones , always informative and enlightening






Today, March 20, 2004, US Representative, Bill Young in concert with town Commissioner Marshall Reynolds and Mayor  Beyrouti   celebrated SPIFFS 29th Annual International Folk Fair. The event was extremely well attended by dignitaries, participants and a never ending line of visitors. The thoughtful Congressman confided that he opted out of two other invitations (one from President Bush) to join with his constituents on the festive occasion.  Now that's a legislature that truly cares about those he represents. When braced with that exact point he stated "what else"

While reviewing the Club's Newsletter for March "The Lighthouse" (in left hand),  he asked Mayor Beyrouti to provide more information on the article "Members Work to Expand Area Cohesiveness". Final comment, "a great thing to undertake".

Commissioner Marshall Reynolds took the opportunity to exchange pleasantries and good wishes.


At least 37 different countries are members of SPIFF and almost all participated in the event. Each displayed costumes food and other items indigenes to their native culture.



Dialog about the value, effort and organization continued between the three.





















Two club members were elected to Commissioner seats on March 9, 2004. Jody Armstrong, (L) Redington Shores, winning 63 percent and John Wolbert,(R) Madeira Beach, winning 59 percent of their respective Town's vote. Congratulations from the club in your election victory.

At the regular scheduled Redington Shores Town Hall meeting, March 10, 2004 Jody Armstrong (third from left) was sworn in  along with (left and second from left) Vice Mayor/Commissioner, Launa Lishamer and Commissioner Holmes both who ran unopposed.

Attorney Denhardt performs the swearing in process while club member, Mayor JJ Beyrouti (far right) witnesses the event. Immediately after being sworn all took their seats on the Town of Redington Shores' Board of Commissioners and went right to work. Commissioner  Marshall Reynolds, club member (second from right below) already occupied a seat on the board. Mayor Beyrouti (third from left below) presides over the meeting's agenda. 


Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections, intellectually articulate and professionally animated, discussed some of the many issues of the election process at the RCGS meeting on Tuesday February 24, 2004.  While Deborah discussed all the certification, verification and validation checks and balances necessary in every election, she also pointed out that Florida has progressed from "down in the pack"  to "among the top" in election reforms. So now other states take their queues from Florida's election reforms leadership posture. You can bet Deborah Clark had a hand in that change.

Wisely, Deborah explained the Pro's and Con's of the voters screen receipt issue and its many ramification. Bottom line for every one technical  possibilities postulated by proponents to create receipts, their are  several serious legal and procedural issues raised which negate the idea's viability. The conclusion is drawn, that  too many down side issues emerge just to provide a voter receipt of choices not to mention the cost aspect.  Deborah's summary comment, "clearly not something to pursue at this point".

In addition to Deborah Clark, Jewel Rheinsmith acting club president, welcomed two other distinguished members  such as Diane Nelson, Pinellas Tax Collector and Redington Shores Mayor, JJ Beyrouti.


Club Members and candidates seeking public office who shared short message and requested support are shown below.

New member, Sonya March, graduate of the Air Force Academy and jet pilot seeking a U.S. Senate seat discussed her political goals as a Senate member.

Mayor of Redinington Shores and candidate for Pinellas Commissioner District 1 detailed background and accomplishments that document  an abundance of leadership qualities that more than qualify him for the post. Previous achievements on behalf of the county, included a host of county, state and national needs met or exceeded. Mayor Beyrouti has captained several private companies successfully and is no stranger to effective management techniques.


Neil Brickfield candidate for the same post as Beyrouti, discussed his mission to enlarge the county's posture within the State. Brickfield's goals are to address more funding from state and national sources.

Neil is a current entrepreneur in the county and plans to bring a business approach to the post.


Today February 24, 2004 St. Petersburg College, Seminole Campus and a host of public officials, college staff and a myriad of other dignitaries honored Senator Dennis L. Jones and celebrated the dedication and naming of the College Library.  Senator Jones earned this tribute and these accolades for his years of consistent service and commitment to the community and to the county.

Everyone knows the energy, effort and resolve consistently exhibited over the years by our Senator,  suggesting perhaps that their must be at least two Dennis Jones running between his constituents and Tallahassee. Just a few of the many in attendance, were Senator Jim King, President, Florida Senate whose endearing comment touched all "if not for Senator Jones, I would not be President of the Florida Senate" , Mayor Dottie Reeder, Seminole, who touched on the many city contributions of the Senator, flanked by Susan Jones and Mayor JJ Beyrouti, Redington Shores

     Congratulations from Dianne Nelson, Pinellas Tax Collector (above right) and Commissioner (below R to L) Marshall Reynolds, the Senator, Trish Reynolds (wife/partner)  along with John O'Connor, oldest member (93) of the Republican Club of Greater Seminole.



Mayor  Beyrouti offers his personal congratulations to the Senator while Mayor J. Friszolowski , St. Pete Beach, smiles with approval.


Legislative Assistant Betsy Collins and Representative Leslie Waters along with a host of other good friends all offered their congratulations to the deserving Senator.



Master of Ceremonies, Dr. James Olliver, Provost Seminole Campus orchestrated a well managed event including a video presentation by Representative Don Sullivan, highlighting the Senators years in the legislature.

The moment of dedication and naming was conveyed by Dr Kutler, President, St Petersburg College, Mayor Dottie Reeder,  Seminole and Chairman, Ken Burke, Board of Trustees.

All in all, a great tribute to a great Senator and a to great individual Dennis L. Jones. Well deserved.




Republican Club of Greater Seminole members show professionalism

The greatly anticipated Business Showcase sponsored by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and hosted by the Sirata Beach Resort and Conference Center, attracted many exhibitors and a large number of visitors, all the way from Pasco County, on February 19, 2004. Truly, a well organized, a well managed and a well-orchestrated event for all.

Club members, Marshall & Trish Reynolds, who were ready, willing and able to meet and greet attendees from all over the area, proudly opened the booth to explain the value and benefits of Florida Real Estate Investing. Part of their display, beside a wealth of solid informational brochures, computer driven displays and sound advice, included a heart of chocolate kisses. All good material and sweets to boot available at their booth not to mention Marshall’s cable TV message taping on “What makes any business a valuable contributor to the community”.

 Club members Budd & Caroline Morris prominently displayed and discussed 100% mortgage financing. What? Yes, no money down up to $500,000.  So with just a visit to the Reynolds exhibit and the Morris exhibit, conceivably all your dream home desires could come to fruition.


A surprise visitor, club member and avid community contributor at many levels, was the Mayor of Redington Shores and candidate for Pinellas County Commissioner, Jay John Beyrouti. He wasted no time meeting many in attendance and pressing the value of the Chamber’s contributions, demonstrated by the event under way.

Ali Boyle another club member not only visited every exhibitor’s booth, but also conveyed the importance of participation in supporting organizations like the Republican Club of Greater Seminole (see bottom item in her left hand, its a club brochure) and supporting demonstrated leadership candidates like JJ Beyrouti, Diane Nelson and Deborah Clark. Nice touch Ali Boyle and a page right out of the Marshall Reynolds’s TV message to be aired shortly.

Good work club members.


Marshall Reynolds, Realtor for Charles Rutenberg Realty discusses a business owner’s responsibility to the Community on a cable TV message for subsequent periodic airings. Event taping will be at the Business Showcase hosted by the Sirata Beach Resorts and Conference Center in St Pete on February 19, 2004, 5:30 to 7:30 PM. 

An advanced text release of Marshall’s message in response to the question of “What makes a business owner a valuable contributor to our community” is as follows: “ As a Real Estate professional, I believe that any professional not giving back to the community is not meeting all of their professional responsibilities.

Consequently, I believe it is my duty to be involved in our community. So contribution and commitment in Education, Political Issues and Local Charities, which all impact on the vitality and growth of our county are just as important as my real estate responsibilities.

In fact, absent any of these commitments from me, would suggests that each of you should utilize other real estate professionals who are committed.

Commitment means to support political candidates who demonstrate leadership such as Dianne Nelson, Pinellas Tax Collector, Deborah Clark, Pinellas Supervisor of Elections and JJ Beyrouti Mayor of Redington Shores and Candidate for District 1 County Commissioner.

Commitment means to convey years of tested experience to budding entrepreneurs such as teaching at the Chamber of Commerce Business Academy.

Commitment means to actively participate in charitable activities such as the American Cancer Society.

Community commitment and responsibility are not just concepts but an attitude. Thank you for this opportunity.”



Senator Dennis Jones, Majority Leader will be honored at a dedication and naming of the Seminole Community Library in celebration of his long standing support and community leadership from St. Petersburg College. Warmest congratulations to a great Senator, Doctor, Citizen and Human Being.

Please join with us that day to honor our Senator and  Friend




Manuel Penton, Club President, Steps Down

Manuel Penton, Club President, stunned the membership at the January 27, 2004 meeting. He announced that he was stepping down as club President effective immediately, to allow more time, first for family and second for professional activities.


President Penton noted that after much prayer, reflection and soul searching he was guided to this decision.  The club understands his actions and wishes him the very best that God shall provide but truly laments the loss.

Over these many years Manuel “Manny” Penton, Esquire, has given so much of his leadership, energy and inspiration, unselfishly to the club and its members. Quick to smile, eager to mediate, fundamentally fair and never without a kind word are the trademarks of Manuel E. Penton Jr. May all his dreams and expectations be fulfilled. Via Con Dios, Manny.


John Morroni, Pinellas County Commissioner – Guest Speaker – “Guns or Butter”

John Morroni, Pinellas County Commissioner was the club’s guest speaker on Tuesday, January 27, 2004. Commissioner Morroni touched on several county issues under review including an expensive paper receipts capability for touch screen voting, an increased gas tax of 6 cents a gallon, the current fireworks ban and fluorination of all county water by June 1, 2004.

But the Commissioner’s main focused and concern was on the controversy between the Airport vs. non-Airport factions.  Opponents to the continuation and expansion of the St. Pete / Clearwater Airport cite environmental pollution, in particular noise levels and the Airport’s displacement of resident’s space as a deterrent to remaining in town . They also suggest that the Airport need not become an International facility in competition with Tampa.

However, John, in his presentation did clarified a few facts, noting that the first ticket for air travel was sold by the St Petersburg – Tampa line to a fair paying passenger.

 This historic event on January 1, 1914, marked the beginning of commercial air transportation, anywhere in the world, and is commemorated by a plaque at St. Petersburg- Clearwater International Airport's terminal building. Construction of the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport at its present site started in March 1941 many years before any major residential development ever began. Additionally, the Airport has been an International facility for many decades. 

In effect, most Airport functionality was already in place long before residents acquired home sites in the area. John noted that it really comes down to a Noise Pollution or Higher Taxes situation. Why?

 The economic future of the whole county rests on attracting to Pinellas, bigger companies with a larger taxable basis.  Real Estate acquisitions, corporate functions, higher paid employees collectively drive the county’s revenue stream upward.  Absent that industrial growth, the county will predictably experience a tax shortfall and a financial crisis.  The major ingredient in getting and keeping industry in the county is the St. Pete/Clearwater Airport.  Bottom line, accept the environmental issues or endure tax increases and the ultimate reduction of spend able income. Simply put, it is analogous to a “Guns or Butter” type decision.


Diane Nelson, Pinellas County Tax Collector and Club Member, earns many accolades and much applause for her recent actions on behalf of all Pinellas County residents.

When the State decided it would no longer provide Driver License services out of their Skyway office, Diane Nelson recognized the incredible inconvenience that this State office closure would have on Pinellas citizens. So rather than just let that happen, ever mindful of Pinellas resident’s needs, Diane Nelson took steps to correct the pending undesirable situation.  How? Tax Collector Nelson stepped up to the plate, knowing that her actions would bring large additional responsibilities along with much additional work and took these tasks under her purvey. Even knowing the consequences, Diane Nelson forged ahead and assumed responsibility of the State’s Driver License office.

Wow, not the kind of attitude and motivation seen often from publicly paid officials.  But then again, those privileged to either work or associate with Diane would not be surprised. Want some indication of her level of personal commitment and professionalism, do take a trip to her Tax Office website. Location, http://www.taxcollect.com  Peruse the bevy of services provided,  the ease of utilization along with all the corresponding support available.

Our hats are off and a big thanks to Diane Nelson, Pinellas County Tax Collector, for a job extremely well done.


JJ Beyrouti, Dottie Reeder, Club Members, Win the Gold Medal.


Mayor JJ Beyrouti shown extreme left and Mayor Dottie Reeder of Seminole with Mayor Beyrouti shown far right attend the Free Trade Area for the Americas meeting in November.  

Talk about top honors for insight, vision and execution, do give the gold to JJ Beyrouti, Dottie Reeder and Florida League of Cities. Mayor Jay John  Beyrouti, Chairman of the International Relations Committee Representing Florida League of Cities, and Mayor Dottie Reeder, President of the league, who attended the Free Trade Areas of Americas (FTAA) meeting in November are diligently working to make sure that the US and Florida's economy remain strong and competitive worldwide.

As Beyrouti points out, " America must be prepared for the wave of world competition coming from the armada of aligned European nations and most assuredly those from the Pacific rim coalition."

Economic improvement in all the America’s provides greater marketing and sale of our goods and services to all markets worldwide, facilitates access to both high technology and low technology resources  not to mention assists our President's mandate to make“ trade and openness a cornerstone of his economic agenda, and the FTAA is an integral part of America’s efforts to promote freedom and opportunity in this hemisphere”.

Both Mayor Beyrouti and Mayor Reeder have protection of the states agricultural and labor industries as a primary concern in all FTAA activities.

Beyrouti and Reeder are right on the mark, as usual, and it’s a blessing that they are concerned about Pinellas County, Florida and the United States for the current and future economic threats surely to be faced.  Good job JJ and Dottie.  Stay the course.

Club Member JJ Beyrouti, again draws a crowd


Senator Dennis Jones, Majority Leader and Club Member, always informative and enlightening provides overview on state's budgeting process.

Tuesdays Meeting, October 28, 2003 featured Senator Dennis Jones, Senate Majority Leader.  Senator Jones, as usual, was informative and enlightening. He shared the multidimensional complexities facing the legislature during the budgeting process. He noted the issue is in no way by partisan but in fact a problem for everyone, taxpayers, state officials and legislatures alike. Bottom line too many fixed commitments and too few sources or revenue. This is further exacerbated by a loss of some non recurring revenue streams and a corresponding loss of matching Federal Funds.  All in all, no quick fixes except to temporarily borrow from Peter to pay Paul. As we all know that practice solves nothing in the long run and adds to the eventual debt situation. Root cause, previous constitutional amendments by voters with  limited understanding of the financial impact or the real effectiveness of the  approved action. Now what?

As the good Senator noted, by law the Legislature must fund constitution amendments first, balance the budget then cut programs to bring the whole process on legal terra firma. On a go forward basis, insure that voters know the full consequences of constitutional amendments, and for now, find new sources of revenue without beating taxpayers over the head. Not an easy task.

Jewel Rhiensmith and Senator Jones welcome Ali Boyle, Engineer, as a new member of the club.



Want an overview of club functions? Call, write or email

 your request for our free brochure.   

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