The Lighthouse

The duties of a dedicated Senator


Soothing the fur of a beastly constituent  is just a normal day in the life of our Senate majority leader.  Senator Dennis Jones is actively taking down the anger level of an unhappy constituent.



Admittedly, Senator Jones wisely requested assistance from an able Legislative Assistant, Betsy Collins.  We all know the power of a woman’s touch after all ”the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”.  In this case it’s the hand that strokes the elegant Cheetah named Savanna up from the Miami Zoo.  The good Senator is no stranger to this wise advice.


Speculation is that Savannah came all the way to the Capital to have a heart to heart discussion about better food supplies at the zoo. After President Jim King took one look at the visitor, he quickly decided to award the problem to one of the most capable Senators,  Dennis Jones.  Good to have friends in high places and the Senator courageously accepted the assignment even with the caveat from the Senate President, that the legislative body will disavow any knowledge of the assignment should anything go wrong. 

Bottom line, if anything goes wrong there will be nothing around of the brave Senator to disavow.

The event occurred to highlight and publicize the Miami Metro Zoo’s Educational Programs. Nice stroking.

Sometimes all bets are off when performing Senatorial duties.

Do save this recent photo of Senator Dennis Jones as a precautionary measure against disavowals.