The Lighthouse

Republican Club of Greater Seminole                 ã 2004 All Rights Reserved, Reprints only by the expressed permission of Webmaster  


Campaign's Latest

April 6, 2004 -- Outrageous comments to garner votes

March 30, 2004 -- Voters beginning to see the Light

March 26, 2004-- It's Howdy Doody time with Kerry in the ring

March 23, 2004 --As usual, Democrats offer massive free goodies s to garner votes

Kerry again runs mouth before his brain is engaged

Kerry leads Bush in new poll




Tuesday, April 6, 2004 Posted: 7:09 AM EDT

Kennedy: 'Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam'

GOP response: 'Outrageous'

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, on Monday launched a withering election-year attack on President Bush's domestic agenda and again blasted him over his handling of Iraq.

Kennedy's speech drew a stern rebuke from the Senate majority whip, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who took to the Senate floor to denounce Kennedy's remarks as "vicious" and "outrageous."

Kennedy, the Senate's most pre-eminent liberal voice, repeated earlier assertions that Bush led the United States into the Iraq war on false pretenses and that the continuing conflict there has distracted the nation's attention away from what Kennedy sees as the real war on terrorism.

But wait, who has forgotten Chappaquiddick and the falsehoods, as law enforcement attempted to get to the bottom of the "how and why" that a young girl in her prime was left in the foot well of an upside down submerged car. Air running out and the vehicle driver somewhere else.  On what basis does any individual with that background have the right to even be in a position to question let alone suggest that President Bush was untruthful.

Wonders just never cease, with some  misguided voters who have trouble sorting out the difference between the truthfulness of a straightforward President from  the demonstrated actions of questionable Legislature.





American Public begins to see through the Kerry fog screen

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Posted: 2:16 PM EST

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Despite a week of negative headlines about how his administration handled the threat of terrorism before September 11, 2001, President Bush's political position against Sen. John Kerry has strengthened, according to a new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

The poll results -- gathered between Friday and Sunday -- suggest that the Bush campaign's reflecting  Kerry as a tax-raising liberal who flip-flops on the issues has affected the race more than recent charges that the Bush administration didn't put enough focus on the threat of terrorism before 9/11.

And why not?  All the should of , could of and would of change nothing. President Bush made a great decision based on all the best information available at the time.  Praise the President for demonstrating courage and leadership when the nation needed it most.  Don’t come around after the fact and beat him over the head for what still may or may not be an issue.  It’s a whole lot more involved than simply finding the catch of WMD’s. The American people, whether your in a union or not, are not stupid and recognize that the real issue at this point is what Kerry (Mr. Flip Flop) plans to do with your hard-earned taxpayer money.





New Feature on the Republican National Committee  Website

Friday, March 26, 2004

Voice of Boxing Great Don King Now Narrates Kerry vs. Kerry match

on http://www.gop.com/kerryvskerry


Excerpt following

"Ladies and Gentleman -- Welcome to Kerry versus Kerry, the battle for the Democratic Party. "In one corner, hailing from Massachusetts, in the red trunks with a 35-year record, 19 of it in the United States Senate-350 votes for higher taxes, votes to eliminate important intelligence funding - Senator John Kerry. "

"In the other corner, also hailing from Massachusetts, wearing blue trunks with a 35-year record, 19 of it in the United States Senate, proposed trillions in new spending and higher taxes on the campaign trail, says he has the support of foreign leaders-Senator John Kerry. "






The beat goes on

As usual, the Democrat’s will attempt to buy votes on the backs of industrious hard working citizens by introducing or expanding many programs with tons of give aways.

Monday, March 22, 2004 Posted: 2:48 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's re-election campaign is boosting its estimate, to more than $1 trillion, of the amount it claims taxpayers would be billed over 10 years if Democratic rival John Kerry's spending proposals became a reality.

Kerry proposals would cost taxpayers $1 trillion

     President in Orlando, Saturday March 20

 "The president has put out a budget," Bush's campaign manager, Ken Mehlman, said Sunday. "We have not seen a budget from Senator Kerry."

Mehlman said the Republican National Committee would unveil on Monday "a 'spendometer' which will be a tool which to allow a continuing update of the spending that Senator Kerry has proposed."






But most voters think president will be re-elected

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 Posted: 7:23 AM EST

(CNN) -- Presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry leads President Bush in the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, although the race appears to be fluid and remains close.

The poll, released Monday, found that among likely voters, Kerry was the choice of 52 percent and Bush 44 percent in a two-way matchup, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

In a three-way race with Independent candidate Ralph Nader, Kerry had 50 percent, Bush 44 percent and Nader 2 percent.

Ok people, we have much work to do and not a lot of time.


Kerry: Comment aimed at GOP 'attack dogs'

Hastert takes 'great umbrage' at comment

Thursday, March 11, 2004 Posted: 11:56 AM EST

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry said on Thursday that he was not referring to all Republicans as "crooked" in an off-the-cuff comment captured on camera -- just the party's "attack dogs."