The Lighthouse

Club meeting highlights from May 25, 2004

After the pledge (Foster L & McCabe R) and business affairs handled by outgoing President Jewel Rheinsmith, the club heard the names of candidates one by one proposed by the nominating committee. Current President Jewel Rheinsmith asked for nominations from the floor for each club position. With none presented, the slate of officers and directors as proposed were elected and will be inaugurated next month by Senator Dennis Jones. Always a worthwhile experience and second to none, are the pomp and ceremony of a Senator Jones "Inauguration".

The new officers are as follows:

bulletPresident -- Marshall Reynolds
bulletVice President -- June Liggins
bulletTreasurer -- Anthony DeAngelo
bulletSecretary -- Alice Boyle


Captain Reynolds and crew will charter new waters for the RCGS ship, will introduce new concepts, new navigation techniques and will apply new light and vision to the

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clubs voyage. The club's newsletter "The Lighthouse" will extinguish its beacon and cease to carry its illumination. After all "Man can not discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore". Bon voyage and keep in the RCGS ships log the entry "Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes".

Guest Speaker Bernie McCabe, State Prosecutor for Pinellas and Pasco County spoke on several issues including:

  1. 90 million more funding for new prisons with 3000 beds already unoccupied
  2. $286,000 less funding from the state for his office with the shortfall coming from the County Treasury
  3. the positive and the negative issues of legislative tem limits
  4. a coming legislative review of sales tax exemptions on a one by one basis to eliminate discernable inequities of exemption unfairness
  5. a three sided view of the constitutional amendment issue, the good, the bad and the ugly 

All in all, a well described set of views to stimulate thinking if not actions on the part of county citizens.  Prosecutor McCabe, true to form, opened his presentation with a raft of humorous one liners taken from trial recordings that had all attendees roaring with laughter at the ludicrousness of attorney questions. To view examples of  McCabe's promised pundits click here.




Bernie McCabe and Gail Hebert listen to Jewels Rheinsmith's orchestration of the evenings agenda.




Newly elected club President, Marshall Reynolds accompanied by the lovely Trish Reynolds enjoy the humor of Bernie McCabe.  Who wouldn't?


And Mayor Beyrouti of Redington Shores, along with Commissioner Neil Brickfield of Safety Harbor (background) both candidates for Pinellas County Commissioner carefully absorb the comments of McCabe with Beyrouti clarifying a point on Tourist Tax money utilization in response to a question postulated by a club member to McCabe.



Foreground, a knowledgeable Gail Hebert Vice Chairman, PCREC misses very little in McCabe's comments




So many enjoyed so much as Puff the magic "Lighthouse" ceases its mighty roar. Click on Photos below to enlarge.  

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